I am a person who respects and follows all types of religion because I believe in one Power, it’s just that people do it in a different way and that’s how every person respect God. We all have different beliefs in terms of religion, maybe the way we dress, the way we greet etc. but we all know that we are praying to just one God. We have faith and hope that our problems and our needs can be solved with the belief we have in God. But don’t you think currently a lot of people are misusing it? Commit any mistake because we all know if we cry and pray, God will forgive us. True? I am not categorizing everyone but some people do mistakes thinking that God will forgive if we go and pray. This gives them the confidence to commit the mistake again and ask for forgiveness. They have a false hope that you do any bullshit in this world and then you go pray, it’s all sorted. Nothing like that will happen in your life. What mistakes you do in this world, you have to pay for it and maybe you can pray to God to give the strength to handle the situation.
If possible I try to celebrate the festivals of all the religion. I am a Muslim and I got a lot of friends who is Christian and Hindu as well. One day I went for Easter celebration to a church. After everything when I was about to leave, I got a call from my cousin and I greeted him by saying Assalamu Alaikkum. I thought no one heard that but I didn’t care. After the call, one guy approached me and asked which religion I am. I told him my religion and as soon as that, he smiled and greeted me saying Assalamu Alaikkum. I was really shocked. As it was a little crowded, we walked outside the church and started talking. He asked why I was here and I told him about my belief and he was really happy about it. But he told me that the idea I got or the belief I have, the society is never going to accept it. I argued to him and told everyone have the choice to believe what they want. To make me understand on how the situation of our country is, he started telling his own experience to me.
He was involved in a serious relationship with a Christian girl and he was a Muslim. They took their relationship to the next stage and that is when they came to know how difficult it is to get accepted by the society. He believed in all the religions, so for him to convert, it was actually fine. Her parents had an issue regarding the religion, so now someone has to sacrifice and convert. It was very difficult for him to convince his parents, but in the end they allowed with great difficulty. He converted to Christian and then they got married. Together they were just perfect. But now here comes the society. Now there are many religious associations in every state of India. Since he believes in all the religions, he goes to mosque as well as churches. Now this was a problem for him. After marriage, he faced many death threats from different people. Those people actually didn’t allow him to live peacefully. He didn’t cause harm to anyone, but because of his belief, the society was never ready to accept him and he had a really hard time staying in that place. I don’t want to mention his name or his location. In between problems used to come and go. But the worse was about to come. After 2 years, their son got kidnapped. They filed a case and was extremely worried. They later came to know that it was the same group who troubled them before, kidnapped their son. Now this was the limit. Imagine 2 years later and they still have issues with them. It was high time for them to leave the country.
So what do you think? For now I don't want to know about the society or any other people, just your opinion. Almost 4200 religions have been observed and practiced by people all over the world. In India, a majority of 9 religions can be seen. Having faith and practicing in what you believe is totally fine, which gives us the positive energy and hope to live forward. But who are they to separate people because of religion? Who are they to convert people? Who are they to kill people?
Now this is an endless topic to debate, people will have different opinions about different situations. What's more important is, - "Is it fine to kill or hurt any human being in this world in the name of religion?". Don't chose your friends based on religion, don't chose your partners based on religion, don't talk about your belief and how successfully it is working in your life. Be human, be good to people, don't differentiate people based on religion, fight for what you think is correct, don't go behind the crowd.
Try to understand that GOD doesn't want to see us die and kill each other and hurt someone using his name. He didn't create us for that.
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